Election Reflection-Halfway There Although all three members of the corrupt, self-serving Sweetwater Union High School Board were reelected this past November, there were reasons for encouragement in the election results. Jim Cartmill, the incumbent and winner of Seat #1, received 5,740 fewer votes than he did 4 years earlier, and 12.2% less of the total vote than he did 4 years ago. Greg Sandoval, the incumbent and winner of Seat #3, received 5,010 fewer votes than he did 4 years earlier, and 7.1% less of the total vote than he did 4 years ago. Arlie Ricasa, the incumbent and winner of Seat #5, although receiving a higher percentage of the total vote than she did four years ago, received 1,326 fewer votes, against a weaker opponent, than she did four years ago. If these trends continue through the next election cycle, we will have at least two new board members. For seats 1 and 3, their loss of votes is half of what is needed to put them out of office. With the snowballing of scandals that are currently plaguing the district, the other half shouldn't be hard to come by. These numbers also point out the importance of educating the public about what is going on in the district. The Union-Tribune did not even make an endorsement in the Board races. They made endorsements in the San Diego Unified and the Grossmont School District races, why not Sweetwater, the largest 7-12 school district in the state? The virtual non-coverage of Sweetwater by the local media is one large reason why this corrupt network has been able to hijack the district. If we care about the students we must pressure not just the Union-Tribune, but all the local newspapers to fulfill their responsiblilities and educate the public as to whats going on . |