B. Engineering Technology Pathway
The Engineering Technology pathway provides learning opportunities for students interested in preparing for careers in the design, production, or maintenance of mechanical, electrical, electronics, or electromechanical products and systems.

Sample occupations associated with this pathway:
Research and Development Analyst
Engineering Technologist
Field Engineer
Operations Engineer

B1.0 Communicate and interpret information clearly in industry-standard visual and written formats.

B1.1 Explain the classification and use of various components, symbols, abbreviations, and media common to technical drawings.
B1.2 Describe the current industry standards for illustration and layout.
B1.3 Draw flat layouts of a variety of objects by using the correct drafting tools, techniques, and media.
B1.4 Organize and complete an assembly drawing using information collected from detailed drawings.
B1.5 Create reports and data sheets for writing specifications.

B2.0 Demonstrate the sketching process used in concept development.

B2.1 Understand the process of producing proportional two- and three-dimensional sketches and designs.
B2.2 Apply sketching techniques to a variety of architectural and engineering models.
B2.3 Present conceptual ideas, analysis, and design concepts using freehand graphic communication techniques.

B3.0 Identify the fundamentals of the theory, measurement, control, and applications of electrical energy, including alternating and direct currents.

B3.1 Understand the characteristics of alternating current (AC) and how it is generated; the characteristics of the sine wave; and of AC, tuned, and resonant circuits; and the nature of the frequency spectrum.
B3.2 Analyze relationships between voltage, current, resistance, and power related to direct current (DC) circuits.
B3.3 Calculate, construct, measure, and interpret both AC and DC circuits.
B3.4 Understand how electrical control and protection devices are used in electrical systems.
B3.5 Calculate loads, currents, and circuit-operating parameters.
B3.6 Classify and use various electrical components, symbols, abbreviations, media, and standards of electrical drawings.
B3.7 Analyze, repair, or measure electrical and electronic systems, circuits, or components using appropriate electronic instruments.
B3.8 Predict the effects of circuit conditions on the basis of measurements and calculations of voltage, current, resistance, and power.

B4.0 Understand the concepts of physics that are fundamental to engineering technology.

B4.1 Describe Newton’s laws and how they affect and define the movement of objects.
B4.2 Explain how the laws of conservation of energy and momentum provide a way to predict and describe the movement of objects.
B4.3 Compare the effects and applications of heat transfer and thermal dynamic processes.
B4.4 Explore the fundamentals and properties of waveforms and how waveforms may be used to carry energy.
B4.5 Analyze how electric and magnetic phenomena are related and know common practical applications.

B5.0 Understand how the principles of force, work, rate, power, energy, and resistance relate to mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal engineering systems.

B5.1 Differentiate between scalars and vectors.
B5.2 Solve problems by using the concept of vectoring to predict resultants.
B5.3 Compare and explore the six simple machines and their applications.
B5.4 Evaluate how energy is transferred and predict the effects of resistance in mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal systems.
B5.5 Formulate and solve problems by using the appropriate units applied in mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal engineering systems.
B6.0 Employ the design process to solve analysis and design problems.
B6.1 Understand the steps in the design process.
B6.2 Determine what information and principles are relevant to a problem and its analysis.
B6.3 Choose between alternate solutions in solving a problem and be able to justify the choices made in determining a solution.
B6.4 Translate word problems into mathematical statements when appropriate.
B6.5 Demonstrate the process of developing multiple details, within design constraints, into a single solution.
B6.6 Construct a prototype from plans and test it.
B6.7 Evaluate and redesign a prototype on the basis of collected test data.

B7.0 Understand industrial engineering processes, including the use of tools and equipment, methods of measurement, and quality assurance.

B7.1 Know the structure and processes of a quality assurance cycle.
B7.2 Describe the major manufacturing processes.
B7.3 Use tools, fasteners, and joining systems employed in selected engineering processes.
B7.4 Estimate and measure the size of objects in both Standard International and United States units.
B7.5 Apply appropriate geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) practices.
B7.6 Calibrate precision measurement tools and instruments to measure objects.

B8.0 Understand fundamental control system design and develop systems that complete preprogrammed tasks.

B8.1 Identify the elements and processes necessary to develop a controlled system that performs a task.
B8.2 Demonstrate the use of sensors for data collection and process correction in controlled systems.
B8.3 Perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data in a simulated or modeled system using appropriate tools and technology.
B8.4 Program a computing device to control systems or process.
B8.5 Use motors, solenoids, and similar devices as output mechanisms in controlled systems.
B8.6 Assemble input, processing, and output devices to create controlled systems capable of accurately completing a preprogrammed task.

B9.0 Understand the fundamentals of systems and market influences on products as they are developed and released to production.

B9.1 Understand the process of product development.
B9.2 Understand decision matrices and the use of graphic tools in illustrating the develop-ment of a product and the processes involved.

B10.0 Design and construct a culminating project effectively using engineering technology.

B10.1 Use methods and techniques for employing all engineering technology equipment appropriately.
B10.2 Apply conventional engineering technology processes and procedures accurately, appropriately, and safely.
B10.3 Apply the concepts of engineering technology to the tools, equipment, projects, and procedures of the Engineering Technology Pathway.

B11.0 Understand the methods of creating both written and digital portfolios.

B11.1 Develop a binder or digital portfolio representative of student work for presentation.
B11.2 Give an effective oral presentation of a portfolio.