Save Sweetwater from the self-serving corrupt network who are only looking out for their own interests and not that of the students or the voters. Wouldnt it be great to have a school board that puts the students interests first and not that of their financial contributors and business associates?
The Save Sweetwater Committee was formed to root out this corrupt network and replace it with people who have the interests of the people and students of the district at heart
Sweetwater District Sued from Texas
Chula Vista Schools' east-side-west side divide
Sweetwater district spent big for Arne Duncan visit
SUHSD Ventures Into For-Profit Education
Corruption Not Limited to SUHSD
The Money Trail Gets Longer
Wheeling and Dealing at Sweetwater
No Contribution Limits for Board Members
Sweetwater Violating State Public Records Act
Sweetwater's Wierd, Failed Real Estate Deals
Donna Frye Visits Sweetwater
Sweetwater Seeks to Silence Opposition
Chopra, Dominguez, Salcido Indicted as Corruption Case Widens
Grand Jury Report on Sweetwater
County Auditors Report on Sweetwater
This Guy's A Principal?
En Espanol
Who Ya Gonna Call?.